
Sabrina Swanson | 503.991.9686 | | "Like" me on Facebook | Check out my Website

I have a passion for capturing personalities on film. I want to freeze a moment in time, one that shows off who you are, and not just what you look like; one that people will cherish for years to come. Long lasting photographs at a more than affordable rate.

Oct 28, 2012

Location, location, location

Today I went over to my friend Brittnie's house. She had a photo shoot I was going to assist her with but her client ended up rescheduling, thus turning into an impromptu exploration adventure! We scouted out some new locations for possible sessions and what a funny, rainy adventure it was! Here are some quick shots I took along the way. 

Taken from my dinning room window :)

Being Shy 

I'm loving this bridge!

Oct 25, 2012

The Spark

Having the opportunity to take pictures of someone else besides my own kids, really sparked something in me. All I want to do, is better myself and my skills. The only way to do that is to practice. I am so anxious now waiting for my next sessions to happen! I just want them to be here so I can be where I belong: behind my camera. All I can think about these days are taking new pictures and bringing happiness to those I get the honor of capturing. I have a give away session and two paid ones in the books for next month and I sincerely hope I get some more people who want/need pictures done, just for the pure passion I have for it. I think my one wish is that my passion comes through into print, that people can see just how much I love doing what I do. Either way, I hope my love shows through the lens and I hope that it helps people book sessions with me and feel as happy with their photo's as I am. I've been feeling so creative I made another pricing sheet. Nothing changed, I just felt like changing it up a bit. Making it more "me." 

Here is some more from my session with Kristin and Chad. So happy with them!

Oct 23, 2012

Beautiful couple, beautiful day.

Yesterday, I was able to capture a couples engagement photos and I am so happy I didn't cancel when I was standing in the rain waiting for them to arrive. I got there early to scope out the location of choice and while there I experienced typical Oregon weather. Sunshine, rain and bitter cold wind. As I sat in the downpour under my umbrella I thought about canceling, I wondered how I would make it work. I walked down to the gazebo in Bush Park, and readied my Canon AE-1 Program. Made sure my film was set, my shutter speed and aperture, and as I sat there the sun shined through again as Kristin and Chad walked up to me. Below are some of the shots I took within the first 10 minutes of their arrival. All unedited (with the exception of my watermark).
Shot with my 35mm - unedited.

35mm - unedited.

35mm - unedited

35mm - unedited.
After I used my film, we moved on from that location and went onto a few different scenes. Here are some of the shots I captured with my digital camera. I hope you enjoy them as much as the couple and I do!

I was so nervous to take these photographs. Like every one else, I doubted my ability and was shaking most of the time. I wasn't really excited until I got home and looked at the raw emotion I had captured on the computer, and the beautiful vivid images I captured with on film. I am beyond thrilled with the result of yesterdays shoot. It was about an hour long and with one roll of film - at my current prices this session would have cost $60.00 and the couple will be getting about 26 images total on a disc. A good deal? For sure. Please help spread the word of my abilities if you like what you see, or better yet, let me capture YOU like I have this beautiful couple.

Oct 21, 2012

Hopes and Dreams

Wow, it is a crazy feeling to feel like you're finally starting to go somewhere. Even though my day to day life hasn't changed, I still change dirty diapers, do endless amounts of dishes, constantly sweeping food up off the floor, you know - the normal "stay at home mom" duties; I feel like my life is definitely heading in a different direction. I have 4 sessions on the books. One for tomorrow, two in November so far and a wedding in June. I never believed I'd be good enough to be paid to do what I really like, and here I am, being booked for it. What a fun and exciting adventure. I am feeling very supported and can't wait to see how much farther I can take this dream. It's been in the making since early 2009 and even though I gave up on it for a few years, I'm glad I didn't give up totally.

I am just a normal girl, a normal stay at home mom who wants to do something with her extra time. I'm hoping to start school in the spring to follow one of my other dreams to become a personal trainer. I want to change peoples lives and make a difference in a positive way for them. What better way to do so by helping them get the life they want? And on top of that I photograph them to show off how hard they worked. Everything will fall into place. I can feel it. Everything will be alright, and it's nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Three Roses may not be the best company in the world, but it will be in my world.

I hope every one is enjoying their weekend! Time to watch some football with the Husband!

Oct 18, 2012


Oh gosh! I cannot even believe how today turned out. I am beyond excited. Beyond happy. Beyond over-joyed. I am so content, and grateful I cannot even explain in words how I feel. This is a very good start for my dreams to take off the ground. I am very ready for the next step! I'm starting to book sessions and that in itself, is a success. A goal accomplished. Now I am anxious for the shoots to take place so I can get some new photo's up! A BIG thank you to those who have supported me in making this choice to move forward and a HUGE thank you to those who are supporting me in my journey, and placing such an important task in my hands. I cannot wait to capture such precious memories for any one who will let me!


Wow, I can't believe I am already feeling good enough to list prices! It feels so crazy to me. Here is my current price list!

Oct 17, 2012

Waiting Game

I am so anxious for Monday to get here! Even though it is supposed to be pouring down rain, I can't wait to get soaked! I have some awesome film ideas and some great thoughts for my digital camera as well. I can't wait to go shoot Kristin & Chad. It is all I can think about! I've learned some new things about my camera which should make the shoot even more fun! All I need is an umbrella! ... And maybe some rain boots.

Monday - hurry up and get here!

In the meantime, get in contact with me to book your shoot!

Three Roses Photography's Facebook Page

Oct 14, 2012

Amazing Day

Well today, after talking with a good friend last night, I decided to start all of this back up. I wasn't sure of myself and it felt so good to hear good feedback from people I had recently photographed. I had a dinner at my mom's in which I heard some very nice compliments from people I least expected, as well as received a very nice gift of a new camera bag that holds BOTH my cameras! I cannot tell you how excited I am for this! It was an amazingly, unexpected act of kindness that I truly cherish. On top of that, I booked my first engagement photo session for next Monday! I am so nervous, I can't even describe how anxious I am. I am going to photograph a good friend of mine and her fiance. I'm nervous to take pictures of them, what if they don't like them? Or my lighting isn't right? I'm just so gosh darn nervous! I haven't really doubted myself in this area for a long time, but now that I'm leaving my comfort zone, I can't help it! I will definitely upload some good ones once they're all ready to go. But I am thinking I want to use both cameras for this session. My Canon for some up-close shots of the couple, and then use my Nikon for the rest. I just hope I get some good shots, and I hope it doesn't rain too much! What a productive day for me. I feel so good about what I've (re)started and I can't wait to watch it grow.

So far so good!

I just wanted to share some of my newest work so far. Some that I'm very proud of. Here is my daughter, taken Sept 2012 with my Canon AE-1 Program. This is totally raw with the exception of my watermark. No other edits were done.
This is my son, also taken Sept 2012 with my 35mm. Again, totally raw. Most of my 35mm shots are. I only add my watermark and don't find the need for touch ups.
Meet Taylee. She is just under 2 months old here, and was being very good for my Canon. Such a sweetie. One of my biggest, proudest photog moments. When this picture was developed I was shocked I had captured her so well on film. I couldn't believe how perfect it was. Probably one of the best moments I've had as a budding photographer.
Here is my beautiful Bella during her 1 year photo shoot in Bush Park. This has to be one of my favorite pictures. If you know her, you know this face. It is everything she is about all in one picture.
Here is Brittnie and her kids on an outing to River front park. We didn't have much time, but I am proud of the shots I got of her and the kids :)
This is one of my favorite photo's of Mackenna from that day. After the park, she went home and fell asleep. Kids are so peaceful and I couldn't not capture her.
These are only SOME of my favorites from the last month or so. I am so proud of myself and how far I've come with my cameras. They make me smile every time I see them! <3

The Start.

Well hello there, and welcome! I am very excited to put myself out there and track my progress as a new(ish) photographer. I guess I should tell a little bit about myself. A few years ago I decided to try this whole photography thing. I've always been a creative and imaginative person but was never really great at any one thing. I can write, pretty well when in the mood, but not good enough to be classified as a writer. I can draw, but not nearly well enough to want to do it for any kind of outlet. It wasn't until I was about 16 that I got my first point and shoot. I went into my backyard to play with it and took some up-close shots of a few flowers and fell in love. I'm sure if I had those pictures now, I'd think they were pretty bad, teehee. But it sparked something inside me. A passion for trying to capture a moment in one single shot that explained all the feelings and emotions that I felt looking at the scene. I would see a tree and it would move me in a way I could only explain in photographs. Like any other 16-18 year old, I started taking pictures of myself since I had no one else to model for me, and let's face it... we all have been in the "look at me" phase. As life went on, I became an adult, officially out of the teenager years and I decided to really give photography a shot. My grandmother was a business woman, she had made a good life for herself and her family from building her business from the ground up. I decided to ask her for her opinion and to my surprise, she agreed that I should pursue it. She supported me when no one else really had an opinion. A few months later she passed away. I created Three Roses in memory of her. I want to honor her and set out to do what I promised. Be a serious photographer. I have other dreams and wishes too. Not only do I want to photograph people, but I want to change their lives. I am hoping to start school in the spring to become a personal trainer. I want people to live the life THEY want and have the photo's that really show who they are, and not just what they looked like. I hope to watch myself grow as a person, and watch my skills grow through my blog and Facebook page. When I am not taking photo's I am a stay at home mom to two kids, an almost 3 year old and a recently turned 1 year old. My kids will probably pop up on my blog a lot as they are my main inspiration. They are my life no matter what happens and I couldn't be happier about that. So here it goes world. Here is my jump into the very large pond.
This photo was taken by Brittnie Carter, it is our newest family photo and I love it. It means the world to me to have a close friend start in the adventures of photography with me, we can learn together and fail together and learn off each other. It's been an amazing roller coaster and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.