
Sabrina Swanson | 503.991.9686 | | "Like" me on Facebook | Check out my Website

I have a passion for capturing personalities on film. I want to freeze a moment in time, one that shows off who you are, and not just what you look like; one that people will cherish for years to come. Long lasting photographs at a more than affordable rate.

Jun 15, 2013

It's just going to get busier!

This month has been so crazy busy. Between school for the husband and my son, sessions, doing things as a family and "me time" (if there is such a thing lol) - I haven't had a chance to update my blog as often as I'd like! And the BEST part, things will be getting even more hectic as the month comes to an end. Weddings, family sessions and more maternity - I'll be busy to say the least! Here are a few things I've been up to since my last post.

First I had a maternity session with Janet & Ed. And I can't wait to meet their baby <3 Here are a few of my fav's from their session:

Then I got to meet up with one of my giveaway winners, Mark and Rondi and their two awesome boys. Here are a couple I just adore from their session...

Next I got to head to a baby shower, here are a few from that day...

My next session was up in Portland - my first time seriously traveling for a session. I got to photograph a sweet little baby boy, who did not want to sleep for us at all. But I was able to capture some sweet moments anyway <3

And my most recent session was the winner of my raffle from my Just Between Friends vendor booth back in April. They're using part of their winning session for maternity photos and the other part towards their newborn photographs. I can't wait to meet their baby girl! Here are a few from their session yesterday....

This month has been full of babies, bellies, and more babies. And there is just SO much more love left to capture this month. I can't wait <3

Have a Happy Father's Day tomorrow!!


Jun 4, 2013

It's June... what???

Can anyone else not believe that it is June?! Holy cow!! I can't. Well I started my month out great - and  it's just going to get better! With maternity sessions, family photos, baby snuggles, weddings, and baby showers - I couldn't ask for more! Well okay, I can and do because I love it so much and I can't help but be extremely excited that this month is so packed (but hey I do have some availability left, hurry and book before it's gone). So lets take a look at some of my favorites from this month!

First up, Janie and her awesome kids. It took a little bribing for her babies to open up to me, but after meeting me a few times - they're finally opening up to my camera! I love it. Here are a couple of my favs.

Next up is Irene. I received an email from her a few weeks ago and we've been planning out her session for awhile. I am so glad I got her email. Her little family was so sweet. Little Lucy was just a doll and her husband, was SO helpful and carried my props ;) Couldn't have asked for better! And for not having a nap, this 2 year old did fantastic!!

Yay, my blog is up to date!! Woohoo! I hope that as I get busier, I can stay up with this deal! It's getting harder but I will do my best! Good night folks!!

Good thing I'm smart! Plus the rest of May's sessions :)

Okay, so I'm not a genius by any means, but I have backed up every single session that anyone has ever paid me to do. Something I wish I could buck up and do with my own family photos but I just don't want to burn that many discs, lol. Anywho, a week or two ago my computer died. It died a good death, but died. Yay. Not. Well of course, my first thought went to my CLIENTS!! I freaked out. Until I realized that my computer wasn't too dead. Just dead enough beyond repair. So I hooked it up to my T.V. yes, my living room T.V. and transferred all of my photo's, family and client's, over to our external hard drive that has never been used. Thankfully had this not been an option, I still have discs burned of every session I've done thus far, so everyone's files are safe regardless, just so you know. So after 4 hours of transferring over 100 gigs of info onto the hard drive, I then finished up the sessions I had been working on, burned all the next sets of discs and carried on with my day. However, for blogging purposes, I fell behind and I apologize. Life is crazy, busy, and chaotic. Which is a good thing, I need to stay busy right now. But I just wanted to share some updates :) Here are a few of the sessions I got to finish up! 

First up. Caitlin & Josh. I must say, I am soooo sad they are getting married in Hawaii, without me! They are adorable, and so in love. It's just so obvious, it makes my job easy. I wish I could be there sooooo bad! Here are a few photo's from their beautiful engagement session....

Goodness her ring is gorgeous, and that hair is AMAZING. So in love.
Next up is Amber, she just had a beautiful baby boy and I was honored to capture some precious moments for her. Here are a few of my favorites!

The end of May was beautiful and awesome. I'm so glad I got to meet the new people I did and I hope they continue to grace my life :)