
Sabrina Swanson | 503.991.9686 | | "Like" me on Facebook | Check out my Website

I have a passion for capturing personalities on film. I want to freeze a moment in time, one that shows off who you are, and not just what you look like; one that people will cherish for years to come. Long lasting photographs at a more than affordable rate.

Dec 20, 2012

Another Great Family

This last week I had the pleasure to capture a beautiful family of three - soon to be four! Little miss Jocelyn didn't want to smile for us on a continuous basis, if she even looked at the camera. But that didn't stop her Daddy from tickling, making funny noises or using good ol' bribery to try and wiggle a giggle out of her! It was quite funny capturing SO much personality with such little smiles. I think she made every face in the book! A challenge I was willing to make the best of, and honestly I feel like this has been my most successful family session yet! Here are some peeks of the Oxenford's.

Dec 13, 2012

Still Alive!

I've been so busy with the Holiday's and photo sessions, I realized I neglected my blog a bit! I added a couple of my most recent pictures to their designated tabs. I will have more to add after this weekend as well! It's such an amazing feeling to be successful in not only my own eyes, but my husbands and families too.  I am just so blessed to be able to do what I love and I can't wait to see what this new year has in store for me!
Also, thank you to all my amazing fans and clients, it means so much to me and makes my job, NOT a job. It's more than a hobby, but not really "work." I love it. :)

Dec 1, 2012

Getting In The Spirit

Over the last week, my husband and I decorated our home for the Holidays. We live in a small apartment, so we're using a fake tree. But a fake tree is better than no tree, right? I think so. I was so excited to get things decorated this year so I could test my skills at getting a good photograph of our tree. It's a humble thing, with mostly cherished ornaments instead of the matching ones that break. There are a few on there but very few. Two broke in the first 10 hours of the tree being up! Gotta love kids, teehee! Well our passed down ornaments, along with the ones we've given as gifts over the years to each other have been scattered all around so I decided to see what I could capture. I am just so excited for this year. Both my babies will be able to unwrap their gifts, and be able to enjoy the Christmas movies. I am ready for the next twenty-some days to just take their time so I can enjoy this season with my babies.

On the other hand, I have a lot of sessions this month, that I CANNOT wait for! I am so excited to share all the beautiful people I will capture this month. It will be epic =D

Taken with 35mm

taken with 35mm

Our Christmas tree through the lens of my 35mm