
Sabrina Swanson | 503.991.9686 | | "Like" me on Facebook | Check out my Website

I have a passion for capturing personalities on film. I want to freeze a moment in time, one that shows off who you are, and not just what you look like; one that people will cherish for years to come. Long lasting photographs at a more than affordable rate.

Jul 23, 2013

How to get the best photographs of your kids

I have been doing this whole photog thing for a little while now and I've come across some really awesome families. I've had kids who couldn't step away from the camera and loved it. I've also had kids that just did NOT want their photo taken, whether it be due to the fact that I'm a stranger, or that I have a camera in their face, they could just be really shy or the main reason - the parents. It's sad to say that parents are the main reason I don't get the photographs they were hoping for.
Usually it starts with shy kids, and then the parents become frustrated they spent money on time that is working out to be just the photographer talking to their child. As a parent, I know ALL TO WELL how hard it is when your kid won't look at the photographer and smile nicely. Or even laugh for the camera and all you can think about is money wasted. It is so frustrating! Having two toddlers and limited time along with limited attention spans - my kids have tortured me during photo sessions. So as hard is it to say - I'm totally guilty of causing my own family photo session to go down hill.
I think I'm pretty good with children, it's why I get some great portraits of them. But I get those portraits by gaining the trust of the child, and showing them that they are allowed to be kids and be goofy. As a parent, we all want those great shots of our kiddos sitting still and smiling - but sometimes that is just not who they are. If you want awesome shots, let me do what you pay me for - trust that I'm talking to your kids not to waste your time but to make the time worth it. I want to give you as many shots as I can, but when a parent starts to get frustrated with their kids, it shows on the kid's face. So here are some tips to help you get the most of your time with me...

1. Talk about how fun the photo session will be prior to the session. Talk them up, and let them know what to expect. If you're okay with bribes, bribe them! Let them know if they are good, they get ice cream afterward or get to play on the playground as soon as we're done - but let the reward decision be up to the photographer. If the photographer says they did good, TRUST THAT. They might have been turds to you, because they are your kids, and you know they can behave better, but if I am telling you that they did awesome, that means I'm confident with the shots I got and you should reward them.

2. Try really really really hard to not yell "SMILE SMILE SMILE" at them - instead, make funny faces, give me bunny ears, make weird sounds - try and get them to smile through actions instead of yelling. Or take the cue from the photographer, if they are asking the kid(s) to do something, like saying "cheese," - ask them to say something you know usually makes them smile. Just remember if you're frustrated, they will be too.

3. Try to keep the experience positive! If the parent gets mad and starts saying they lost their treat or bribe mid-session, we might as well end it there. The child will feel like they can no longer recover so why try? Be the example of what you want your children to do in front of the camera :) It's okay to show them how to be a goof and make silly faces - even if it's just to get the smiles that come right after those funny faces.

I can't tell you how many times family shots were just failing because the kids were over powered and felt frustrated and as soon as I took them off alone to get some individualized shots, they would open up and I'd get some of the greatest portraits. Just remember, it's my job to be silly to get kids to open up. Also, some of the best portraits are ones of kids not even smiling. So it's okay to have a frown sometimes.

Photo sessions should be FUN! No one likes forced smiles. There should be moments of total silliness happening, otherwise you aren't getting your money's worth ;)

And finally. RELAX! Let me stress about getting "the shot." If you're in front of the camera, just focus on trying to have fun, and feel good about yourself for taking time to cherish how your family is at this moment and let me worry about the end result. It's what you're paying me for!

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